
Tags: #Sensemaking #Term #Thinking
Related: Tangible Thinking, Notemaking

Sensemaking is, very simply, the process of making sense of something.

Though an important addition to that concise definition is the expectation that you will act upon that newly understood information. This may seem a subtle distinction, but it's actually quite important (as I'm learning for myself).

The term has other, more specific meanings as well, in various fields like psychology and sociology. And while I will learn more about these over time, my usage here will stick mainly to the definition above.

The specific processes I associate with sensemaking personally are really different types and mediums of thinking:

Want to see sensemaking in action?

Take a look at my newsletter, Sensemaking with Savvy!

Over there I write weekly posts about the personal process I undertake to make sense of something that happened or occurred to me each week.